Zebrafish Husbandry Education Curriculum Development Workshop
Gadsden State Community College, Gadsden, AL
4th-6th of June, 2012
List of Instructors/Developers and their affiliations
Brendan Delbos - Aquaneering
Matt Christiansen - Aquatic Enterprises
Erik Sanders - Aquatics Lab Services
Hugh Hammer - GSCC
Timothy Adams - GSCC Staff
Tabitha Downs - GSCC Staff
Dan Castranova - NIH/ Charles River Labs
Bill Kilgore - Pentair Aquatic Eco
Eric Henry - Reed Mariculture Ph.D.
Nick King - Skretting
Eric Smith - Tecniplast
Patty Oden - UAB Staff
Mickey Powell - UAB Ph.D.
Steve Watts - UAB Ph.D.
Jeff Barry - UAB Staff
Erin McDerby - UAB Staff
Susan Farmer - UAB DVM
Sam Cartner - UAB VP ARP
Richard Marchase - UAB VP Research and Econ Ph.D.
Mark Tye - University of Minnesota
George Sanders DVM - University of Washington
Darrin Honious - YSI