The 2nd International FishMed Conference on Zebrafish Research (FishMed2018), which will be held on March 25-27, 2018 at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB), Poland. We organize this event to share with you the most recent knowledge and developments in zebrafish research and give you the opportunity to meet and discuss your work. The program will include keynote lectures, plenary talks, short oral presentations, poster sessions, and extensive time for discussions.
The special focus of the conference are early stage researchers, for whom dedicated competitive sessions called Young FishMed have been designed. Thus, fourteen early stage researchers who submit the best abstracts will be invited to give short presentations: Young FishMed lectures. Moreover, three best posters will be awarded. Registration starts on October 1, 2017, so please mark your calendars.
For more information including preliminary program, please visit the conference website:
General information and late registration: