Zebrafish Resources
The following is a collection of websites and commercial entities whose place in the Zebrafish research community represent important resources for those interested in utilizing zebrafish as an animal model system.
The Zebrafish Information Network is an online biological database of information about the zebrafish.
ZFIN serves as the zebrafish model organism database. The long term goals for ZFIN are a) to be the community database resource for the laboratory use of zebrafish, b) to develop and support integrated zebrafish genetic, genomic and developmental information, c) to maintain the definitive reference data sets of zebrafish research information, d) to link this information extensively to corresponding data in other model organism and human databases, e) to facilitate the use of zebrafish as a model for human biology and f) to serve the needs of the research community.
Cold springs harbor
A great resource for researchers and research technicians. As of summer 2018, nearly 50 protocols are archived here.
The Zebrafish International Resource Center (ZIRC) is a Resource Center. Its mission is to acquire resources from the research community, maintain them, and redistribute them upon request for a nominal price. ZIRC is an independent, NIH-funded facility, providing a wide range of zebrafish lines, probes and health services.