The 13th International Zebrafish Conference (IZFC – renamed from “International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics” to reflect the broadening scope of zebrafish research work) returns to Madison, Wisconsin June 20-24, 2018. The IZFC will include numerous opportunities to share results from the latest zebrafish research and inform participants about the newest advances and cutting-edge zebrafish research tools and technologies.
The conference will include numerous organized and informal educational and networking opportunities for trainees and junior investigators, as well as established investigators. The meeting is being held in the newly renovated Wisconsin Union and includes a number of organized social events such as a a reception, a barbecue picnic, a lunchtime community meeting, and a final formal banquet immediately followed by an after-party with an award-winning live band and dancing.
Forge collaborations, coordinate community resources, and foster the exposure and success of junior zebrafish investigators and trainees.