3 DAY Zebrafish Husbandry Course - Leading Advances in Zebrafish Husbandry
facilitated by Marco Brocca, Carrie Barton and Lucie Nedved
Supported by Tecniplast
Tuesday 10th September 2019, 9.00am – 5.00pm, Rendezvous Hotel Scarborough, Perth, followed by a group dinner at venue close by
Wednesday 11th September 2019, 1.00pm - 5.15pm, Rendezvous Hotel Scarborough, Perth
Thursday 12th September 2019, 9.00am - 12.30pm, UWA Facility
Conference Delegate Cost: $345.00
Non Conference Delegate Cost: $445.00
(includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner on day 1, lunch and afternoon tea on day 2, morning tea at UWA on day 3, transfers and materials)
Presentations will be given by facility managers and vets who are advancing zebrafish husbandry in their facilities and the zebrafish community. Attendees will get firsthand knowledge on how to improve their current facilities from speakers who have greatly improved the normal levels of zebrafish breeding, fry growth and facility management.
Topics include:
Broodstock Management – get more embryos out of your fish
Fry Rearing – cutting edge techniques ti improve survival rate and growth
Health Management – prevention and recognition
Zebrafish Techniques – cryopreservation and in vitro fertilisation
Genetic Colony Management – avoid inbreeding
Facility Planning – thinking ahead of proper space allows for proper Facility Management
Limited places available