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Health and Colony Management of Laboratory Fish 2023

  • Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory 159 Old Bar Harbor Road Bar Harbor, ME, 04609 United States (map)

Health and Colony Management of Laboratory Fish Symposium 2020

A short course for principal investigators, technicians, trainees, core managers, veterinarians, and veterinary technicians who utilize or plan to utilize fish models in laboratory research.

Health and Colony Management of Laboratory Fish is a short course to help colony managers, researchers, and veterinarians monitor and maintain the health of a colony of aquatic organisms. This course is broad and is appropriate for technical staff, students, postdocs, and investigators, as well as veterinary professionals and trainees.

The course consists of lecture, laboratory exercises and discussions. With a high faculty to student ratio, during the course there are ample opportunities for students to discuss unusual and/or unsolved diagnostic case experiences from their home laboratories as problem-solving exercises.

Topics covered include:

  • Fish Disease: Pathogenesis, diagnostics, necropsy methods, treatment and control

  • General Fish Biology: Anatomy, form and function

  • General training: anatomy, histology and necropsy techniques

  • Core management: breeding, nutrition, water quality , system design and biosecurity

  • Several species are discussed, but particular emphasis is given to zebrafish